If you're a Facebook user, most likely you have noticed some of your friends taking time each day in November to name something for which they are thankful. I have enjoyed reading these reflections, and it has led me to do some thankful reflection as well. Thanksgiving is on November 22 this year, and so I would like to offer twenty-two things about First Presbyterian Church for which I am grateful (these are not in order of importance, just a random numbering).
1. For a history of outreach and mission that understands the role of the church to be beyond our walls and in the world.
2. For genuine relationships of support, laughter, and care. People are encouraged to be themselves at FPC, and I am so grateful for that.
3. For a committed staff who see their roles as part of the mission of God. Their dedication, reliability, passion for their work, and cooperative spirit help us worship and service and learn with greater effectiveness.
4. For the great storytellers who help us remember the stories of our church family.
5. For a music program that engages all ages and uses a variety of gifts to lift our hearts to the heavens in worship. Our music truly helps to illumine God's word to us each week.
6. For members who quietly clean the sanctuary, organize the pencils, gather the sign-in sheets, and ensure our worship space is welcoming week to week.
7. For Family Night Suppers where I get to indulge in many foods we never eat at our own house because of Rebecca's food preferences. I particularly enjoy the deviled eggs, baked beans, potato salad, and corn bread!
8. For a congregation willing to learn new songs, preach to each other during sermons, and easily forgive mishaps in worship!
9. For the stomping of preschool feet above my head in the church office on Sundays as our children actively engage in God's word
10. For stories of second chances, fresh starts, and lasting forgiveness I have the privilege to listen to
11. For readers and learners who challenge me to keep up with my own study
12. For a session who remains diligent in their work and who seek God's will above all else. These dedicated disciples are wonderful leaders who continually teach me so much.
13. For congregational mentors who gently keep me in line, who remember that a pastor has as much to learn as to teach
14. For new faces in worship and study and service as our community of faith continues to grow
15. For the "resurrection" stained glass window in the sanctuary above the narthex, that reminds me at the beginning of each worship service of the Good News we gather to celebrate and proclaim
16. For those who make sure our homebound members feel part of our community of faith by taking them recordings of the worship services and visiting them, making them care packages and holiday greetings
17. For the quietly generous who seek to give to God without a desire for recognition and praise. You humble me and strengthen my faith in the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.
18. For those who make sure our website is up-to-date and interactive for visitors and members to get and stay connected
19. For the extended families that form among our members. At this time of year I celebrate the stories I'm hearing of church members who aren't near family getting together with each other to celebrate Thanksgiving. That's genuine community.
20. For the stories you share about times when you have seen God in your life. These stories lift my soul and give me great hope. The ability for some to see God in the midst of trial and suffering is amazingly powerful.
21. For baptisms when we see so clearly the extravagent love and grace of God for us.
22. For funerals (I know that may sound strange) when we sing for joy in the face of death and gather as a community to declare our ultimate hope in Jesus Christ.
Those are some of things I thank God for about First Presbyterian Church. It can be so easy to miss those little things that give our life meaning and remind us of God's presence. I hope you find some time to reflect on the blessings of God in your life in this week. Happy Thanksgiving!
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